- Blue Moon Falls is such a cool website and one of the inspirations behind me making this one! There's so much to learn about the GSC era that I never knew before visiting this site. There's too many awesome things here to list, so I just recommend checking it all out!
- Nose Club is one of my favorite modern-era pokemon fansites with lots of adorable art and fun articles, mostly centered on Nosepass. Also the interactive fic pcb0000 on here is INSANE and messed me up (in a good way).
- PokéPrint has lots of cool downloads and printable resources! Notably the coolest imo are the eevolution desktop cursors you can download.
- Buried Relic has unique guides I haven't seen elsewhere! Lots of stuff about shiny hunting in different games. My favorite thing here though has got to be the Gen 3 PC Box Planner, which works a lot like my drag-and-drop games here (but better lol) and lets you design PC boxes with wallpapers from the games and stick pokémon icons in them.
- Swifty's HQ has fun personality quizzes and reviews of various games, as well as a few website resources. It's an all-around fun site to read through and play around on, with more than just pokemon content. Some highlights I enjoy are the smell reviews and the gen 1 grinding location guide.
- Legendary Birds is a classic pokémon site. I really enjoyed the puzzles on here, and this is also where I learned that Galarian Articuno can shoot laser beams from its eyes, a fact which I am enriched by knowing.
- has some unique downloads such as soundfonts and pokémon cries I haven't seen anywhere else, as well as music remixes, articles and (my personal favorite) the Pokémon Rater Game, where you can pick your favorite out of matchups of two pokémon infinitely. There's even a stats page that lets you see what pokémon got voted for the most and the least.
- Enigma Dreams is a fansite with personal thoughts on playthroughs of different pokémon games, with a feature on living dexes. The layout is really unique with fun location pages to browse through!
- Across the Pokémon World is a newer site mostly featuring opinion articles.
- Hallowed Tower is a really neat new site with a focus on Gen 4, with guides on farming honey trees and catching Spiritomb.
Other Neat/Useful Pokemon Sites
Marriland Team Builder - A useful tool for checking strengths and weaknesses on any team you build, for any pokemon generation.
Diffeomorphism on DeviantArt - Pokemon plush tutorials and patterns! This is where I learned how to make plush patterns. Link takes you to a Goomy plush tutorial. Secret Code Generator - Unlock codes for PC box wallpapers in Gen 3-4, as well as codes to reset the time in Gen 2, based on your trainer IDs.
Pokémon Booster Pack Simulator - Lets you generate random booster packs, from the Base Set through Skyridge. Has neat animations as you flip through the cards for an extra realistic effect.
"Pokemon Shirts" Backgrounds on Bulbapedia - Contains links to tileable pngs/jpgs (originally from pokemon shirts) you can use for website backgrounds. There are patterns for all pokemon from gens 1-4!
Lewtwo - Website hosting the pokemon asset archive, a Google Drive with high-quality official arts and scans from across the series, from the games to anime to cards to spin-offs. Lewtwo also has a YouTube channel, but I haven't checked that out yet.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Personality Quiz - Super cool recreation of the Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky personality quiz! You can choose either the in-game version of 10 random questions or the full quiz of 64 questions. Complete with the in-game background music and aesthetics. - A searchable index with scans of every pokémon card released to date.
Pokécharms Trainer Card Maker - Make a personalized trainer card in your web browser!
Pokémon Cries - A game where you can test your knowledge of pokémon cries across each generation (currently up through gen 8).
Johto Times - A newsletter-type site with fun and unique articles, with new issues weekly. I especially enjoyed the article on identifying fake/reproduced game cartridges. There's also some really neat interviews with people who experienced and/or were a part of early pokémon events.
My Projects & Accounts
- Shulk's Scrapbook is my Xenoblade website where I'm drawing all of the collectopaedia items! I've got several other fun things on there as well, like a crossword and a personality quiz.
Taliaxlatia - my personal website, still under construction. I'm working on putting together fic rec lists and showcasing my vinyl collection there.
Taliax on AO3 - I have some pokemon fics finished and in progress on here. I'm more prone to writing Kingdom Hearts, Undertale, and Miraculous Ladybug fics, though.
@ecruteak-city on tumblr - My pokémon tumblr blog. I like to reblog gifs from the games as well as other art.
@taliax_latia on twitter - This site sucks but I'm here because enough other people use it. I don't recommend following me since all I do is retweet random stuff. I'm mostly just putting this here in case you want to submit pictures for the Secret Base Showcase or the Dress-Up Showcase via here.
Link to Pamtre Berry
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