All About Pikachu
This is the most "traditional" pokemon-themed book I made. I had gotten some pokemon-print fabric and "dot" markers and wanted to do something with both of them. The cardboard used for the cover was stuff that my dad would bring home from work for me to play with.

Text: All About Pikachu, Bonus Sticker Sheet in Back!, By [blank]

Title Page
Text: All About Pika, by [blank]

Table of Contents
Text: Table of Contents, 1. About Pikachu...2, 2. Habitat...3, 3. Food...6, 4. Abilities...8, 5. PokéDex...19, 6. Evolution...10, 7. Pika Pics...11
I'm pretty sure this is nail polish painted all over this page. I don't remember why I did that. It's gonna be real hard getting through the text transcriptions in this one I can already tell.

Page 2-3
Text: About Pikachu. Pikachu is an electric mouse pokémon with bright red cheeks that hold electric-ity. This book tells all I know about this yellow mouse. Habitat. Pikachu's habitat is- Viridian Forest, Rout 1, Prize at Game Corner.
I'm really impressed that I could spell "Viridian" but not "Route." Also, where did I come up with that habitat? Pikachu could be found in Viridian Forest and the Power Plant in RBY/FRLG, Route 2 in GSC, and the Safari Zone in RSE. I don't know if I just made up facts here or if I was getting this from old inaccurate pokémon sites.

Page 4-5
Text: The Next page shows Viridian Forest. Key: =Berry Tree, =Tree, =Grass, [or] =Water.
My love of drawing maps returns here. I'm 99% sure this wasn't accurate either, but I can't blame young Tali for wanting to add berry trees.

Page 6-7
Text: Food. Pikachu's favorite thing to eat are berries. They especialy like gold berries. Berry Chart
Gold Berry was a GSC-exclusive item that didn't have art, so I must have just made up that funky design. I still kinda like it.

Page 7: Fold-Out
Text: PIKACHU'S BERRY LIST. Spicple, Bubblair, Dolcreapemint, Ralow, Psydovie
Wow I was. Uh. This sure is Something. This is hard to look at. Pretty sure I made it in KidPix. I had to get the physical copy back out because I couldn't read this image to write the transcript. It looks like young Tali had fun here, though.

Page 8-9
Text: Abilities/Atacks. Growl, Tail whip, Tackle, Thundershock, Slam, Thunder bolt, Thunder. Poke Dex Pikachu #25. When several of these pokémon gather, their electricity can cause lightning storms.
There's a few pages taped together between here and the previous page. I wonder what I hid in there that I decided I didn't like, but I'm not sure I should cut it open...
The pokedex entry here was taken from LeafGreen, with a minor typo. The original says "When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity can build and cause lightning storms."

Page 10-11
Text: Evolution. Pichu + Pikachu + Raichu. Pika Pics.
I had a gazillion of this Pikachu card, so I didn't have a problem sticking one in here.

Page 12-13
Text: Footprint. Go, PokeBall!
Another Pikachu card, though I don't remember if I had several of this one or not. I can tell I was having an off day when I made this book, since I didn't draw very many pictures from scratch here.

Sticker Sheet
Text: A special Bonus Sticker Sheet!
I was really surprised the stickers were still back here! I'd cut them out from something and taped them on the back, so the sticker itself can still be peeled out and put somehwere. The "sticker" on the other side was just left over from the cardboard my dad had brought home. I can tell this book was more slapdash too because I didn't bother to try to remove that or cover it up.

Back Cover
Text: [No text]
I wish I still had this fabric, the Jirachi on it is so cute! It must have been around the time of the Jirachi Wish Maker movie.