My Fanart
A collection of all the pokemon fanart I've done, or at least as much as I've been able to preserve. You can hover over the images to see them at a larger size and read my thoughts/context about them! Images are listed in roughly reverse chronological order.
You can hover over the images (or tap if you're on mobile) to see them larger.
Digital Art

For a few days I was absolutely obsessed with the song Alibi by the Mountain Goats. It just happened to coincide with the time I was obsessed with Submas (especially Emmet at that point). There wasn't any deeper meaning behind this one. I just thought it looked neat.

This was one of the bigger pieces I'd done in a while. I hadn't drawn actual pokemon in a long time at this point, so Galvantula and Joltik were really fun. The lamp in the background is based on Lampent :)

The title for this one came from one of the tracks on the album Everywhere at the End of Time by The Caretaker. (It's pretty disorienting instrumental music, fair warning. But the track titles are great for naming art and fics.) Just trying to capture the strange feeling of having forgotten something, yet always carrying it with you.

I've been working on a Submas wing AU fic, so I wanted to doodle a little concept art for it. It's not incredibly accurate, since Ingo's wings are supposed to be more like Reshiram's, but that was hard to draw lol.

A portrait study I did in grayscale, then played around with some color effects.

I saw this horrible horrible outfit on tumblr and knew I wanted to doodle someone in it. Maxie ended up as my unwilling victim >:)

I took some art requests on tumblr a while back where people could pick a character, and I'd draw something with that character based on a song that came off my shuffled playlist. This was a request from one of my friends, and the song that came on was The Storm by Silva Hound & UndreamedPanic. It was a very fun very silly piece to draw :)

This was mostly a test to get used to drawing digitally again. It had been a long time since I'd tried to draw N, who's one of my favorite characters. I thought the pallet I found looked nice for him. (The title is the name of the pallet.)
Traditional Art

A small watercolor for Day 12 of the 2019 Inktober prompts, which was "Dragon." Latias has been one of my favorite pokemon for just about forever, if that wasn't obvious already.

I highly recommend clicking this one for full size! While technically this version was traced over digitally, I did the original in pencil followed by micron ink pens. I'm still not sure how I managed to get all of the pokemon to fit within the mew silhouette so nicely.

This one was done years after the mew collage, but following the same process. This time I was lucky enough to have all the Unown forms to fill in gaps where I needed them.

I made this Helix Fossil artwork in a high school art class around the time that the most iconic Twitch Plays Pokemon was running. It's made of plaster from a sculpted clay mold, then painted in acryllics.